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What is Plagiarism

Plagiarize means

  • To steal and pass off (the ideas of words of another) as one’s own
  • To use another (another’s production) without crediting the source

Another thing considered plagiarism:

  • Turning in someone else’s work as your own
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation

Using an image, video or piece of music.

  • Copying media (especially images) from the other websites to paste them into your own papers or websites
  • Performing another person’s copyrighted music

Preventing Plagiarism when Writing

Planning your paper:

  • consult with supervisor
  • plan your paper
  • take notes

Writing your paper:

  • When doubt, cite sources
  • Make it clear who said what
  • Know how to paraphrase
  • Analyze and evaluate your sources
