2 minute read

Actors Involved, their Roles and Relationship


  • Discuss with supervisor what kind of guidance
  • Plan and discuss with supervisor the topic of the project and the timetable
  • Maintain progress
  • Keep systematic records of work completed
  • Make sure submit written material
  • Decide when it is ready for submission
  • Write up submit report within time limit
  • Address and respond to criticism, guidance, and suggenstions
  • Be informed about respect any regulations and considerations, legal as well as ethcial, that are relevant for the project
  • Drive the project forward
  • Inform supervisor of any problems or difficulties
  • Take pride in and responsibility, priorities and organize work in suc a way that it represents best efforts.
  • Supervisor is a busy person with limited time. If student hand in material that is carefully proffread, well structured and clearly written, it means that the supervisor can spend less time on commenting presentation details.

Projects with Multiple Student

It is good for both students and supervisors if students are allocated distinct problems in the project, even when there will be extensive collaboration resulting in one report

The Supervisor

Supervisor is there to guide student.

  • Normally skilled in carrying out projects in the particular subject area
  • Help student choose and define the boundaries of the topic
  • Helps student ensure that project can be completed successfully
  • Help student that there are appropriate literature or data sources available in the area

The Responsibilities of a Supervisor

  • Inform student of the instructions of particular department or university for carrying out a thesis project
  • Inform student of assessment criteria and the expected standard of thesis
  • Discuss dates when student work will be handed in, presented of disucussed.
  • Provide guidelines for how to report the project.
  • Discuss with student what is expected in terms of how to work together
  • Inform student of relevant regulations and issues, legal as well as ethical, eg. plagiarism
  • Provide training for student
  • Help to complete with allocated time
  • Request the student hand in written reports (or other material)
  • Inform student to wether or not it meets the acceptable standard

Projects With Multiple Supervisor

Dosen 1 biasanya membimbing bagian awal seperti metode penelitian. Dosen 2 bisa menyarankan mahasiswa untuk diskusikan kembali ke dosen 1 jika ada sesuatu yang kurang relevan.

The Examiner

The examiner is the one who assesses student project. There are two typical roles an examiner can take:

  • Quality evaluator
  • Quality assuror

The Examiner as Quality Evaluator

The examiner focuses on a result oriented approach.

The Examiner as Quality Assuror

Examiner reviews material produced at different checkpoints in student project.

Di kampus kita, ini jarang. Yang tanda tangan di naskah hanya dosen pembimbing.

The Responsibilities of an Examiner

  • Scunitize student work and point out its strengths and weaknesses as well as to decide if student pass or not to set grade.
  • Examiner will likely ask question from alternative perspective.
  • Test criteria commonly include:
    • Level of creativity in the process
    • Ability to analyze and reason in different situations
    • Clarity in written presentation
    • Oral presentation skills and ability to defend the work
    • The relevance and originality of the problem and topic
    • How well the project has been managed with respect to time and the project plan
